Sunday 3 May 2020

अध्यात्म और विज्ञान - ०६- The Mother Earth and The Lesson of Physical Distancing

।। हरि: ॐ ।। 


The Mother Earth and The Lesson of Physical Distancing 

[अध्यात्म और विज्ञान  - ०६ ]

The imaginary+orbit animation video link   

The Mother restraints herself,  starts working hard for her child before that child's birth. Our mother Earth is maintaining Physical Distancing from Day one for her children and that is the reason every being is surviving.  It's the time to express heartfelt gratitude to our Mother Earth. 
We're Ambadnya (grateful with love) to our Mother Vasundhara for her tireless efforts with selfless love, which she is being doing for us before our birth, before the birth of life here.